Wednesday, February 27, 2008

PhotoPresenter : )

Hi again : ) Okay it's hard to begin these posts and not sound like a total dork... so here goes

This morning I was reading my friend RC's blog over at Layers Magazine and saw his post on this really cool photo presentation software... so... I BOUGHT IT !! It's such an easy way to share your photos... it's just basic drag and drop. A couple of minutes and you're done !! If you would like to know more about this software click here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Check out my Wedding Album Design...

What's not to love about my job !!

Take a look at my latest wedding album design... and let me know what you think !! : )
Photography by John Michael Hannan.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Woo Hoo, I went to Mac World : )

I was also able to attend Mac World in San Francisco in January !! It was a busy month for me....
Okay so Mac World was an incredible experience. I attended the keynote where Steve Jobs made the big announcement about the MacBook Air (and some other stuff, but this was the best to me). I was overwhelmed at the Expo !! It's like as soon as the keynote was over, everyone rushed to the Apple booth and never left THAT booth. WOW !! I also met up with my friend Terry White
and went shooting the city. That totally ROCKED !!

Imaging USA

Okay, so I was able to attend Imaging USA in Tampa Florida in January. Wow !! What an incredible experience. The classes rocked and the trade show was unbelievable !! As you see I was able to meet up with some friends while I was there, which is always nice : )