Thursday, July 31, 2008

Precious Little Gift

Several years ago my older/only sister Amanda and her husband Brian were ready to start their family. After consulting with numerous fertility doctors, following ALL of their instructions.... they just couldn't get pregnant !!  So they took the next step and looked into adoption. 

On June 5th 2006, about a week after they were "certified" my sister received a phone call from the state saying there was a 10 week old baby girl that needed a home. My sister immediately called me. Her emotions were all over the place !! She was scared, overjoyed, anxious.... I remember her asking me "do you think I'll know what to do?" Without a doubt my response was "oh yeah.... moms just know." 

Our entire family immediately fell in love with this precious little girl named Summerlei !! She was a dream come true.... literally : )  Always smiling and laughing, and her bright blue eyes just captured your heart... what a little Angel !! 

After several heart wrenching "oh no, she may have to go back" situations, the state granted full custody to my sister and Brian !!  And today July 31, 2008 it's official !!

She is now (legally)  Summerlei Grace Corley : )

This journey hasn't been an easy one.... but who said life is suppose to be easy !!  Summerlei not only brought a refreshing happiness to our family but also a whole new perspective on life.... Anything you want, is worth fighting for !!   

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

THAT GIRL : unplugged


Hey Y'all !!    ; )

It's been a while since I've posted... (bad Sarah K ), but I've been extremely busy. And any of you with children will totally understand, the summer takes over !!  It's been great : )

So I've been designing for Terry White (Mr. Creative Suite himself), I know you're thinking "why is SHE designing for Terry?" it's that whole cobbler's children had no shoes thing... he don't have time... that's what I'm for !!  After months of working with/on Terry's beautiful models it was my turn to be in front of the camera.... OMG !! So I was off to Detroit : ) 
I'm SO not model material, but I had a blast "pretending"  

Being from Georgia, (and the fact that I say "Y'all" ....ALOT) it's automatically assumed that I own Cowboy Boots/Hats... ugh ... well .... I do !! Although I don't typically fall into that "southern gal" stereotype...I thought it would be fun to play it up !!

I have to say it was incredible to shoot with Terry and be a Detroit Diva for a day !! But I wasn't leaving The Motor City without meeting his family..... and eating at The Original Pancake House (insane eating).  When I met Terry's lovely wife Carla she smiled so big and said "oh, listen to her accent...." it was hilarious !! Very sweet family : ) 

And of course our session wouldn't be complete without the Terry White Rocks shirt: