Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Golf Golf Golf

I had the opportunity to photograph David Robinson a few weeks ago at the Twin City Country Club golf course. I had an awesome time and I have to admit that David was the most pleasant golfer that I have ever photographed....well he's the only golfer I have ever photographed actually. So that makes him the greatest : ) He's also my best friend Lauren's husband... so that helped too !! Anyway, I just wanted to share some of my images from that shoot and brag on David just a bit. He is a Pro Golfer... (poor thing, huh guys?) and he is currently on the Tarheel Tour, where he just won the first tournament of the year , and also on the Hooter's Tour. I have no doubt that he'll be on the PGA tour in 2009 !!

You go D-Rob
: )

Click on the image to view more from this session : )

1 comment:

Charlie Thiel said...

Ok, Sarah, now I want to see photos of you swinging a golf club!